Jamie Turner of 60SecondMarketer.com pulled up a barstool this week and we got drunk on mobile marketing. On this episode of the Social Media Pubcast, sponsored by , we talked about the following topics: Marketing schemes to get free beer...
Jamie Turner of 60SecondMarketer.com pulled up a barstool this week and we got drunk on mobile marketing. On this episode of the Social Media Pubcast, sponsored by JoBarnesOnline.com, we talked about the following topics:
Throughout this episode, a few links and tools were mentioned. Here they are:
Make sure you follow Jamie's work on on 60SecondMarketer.com and 60SecondCommunications.com. Cheers!
P.S. FREE 93 Page eBook!: Go to JoBarnesOnline.com/fbebook to get your free 93-page eBook featuring Jon, Mari Smith, Amy Porterfield and others. Enjoy!