Feb. 8, 2021

PUBCAST: Coffee, Meditation, Run, Read

PUBCAST: Coffee, Meditation, Run, Read

These four things have become a new part of Jon's EVERYDAY routine. But, don't get lost in what these four things are. Think more about what categories they fall into. Coffee (CREATE/HOBBY) Meditation (MENTAL HEALTH) Run (PHYSICAL HEALTH) Read...

These four things have become a new part of Jon's EVERYDAY routine. But, don't get lost in what these four things are. Think more about what categories they fall into.

  1. Coffee (CREATE/HOBBY)
  2. Meditation (MENTAL HEALTH)

After a tough 2020 personally, Jon got away from these things. He learned how important they are to keeping him on track and leading a fulfilling life.

Want to provide feedback or share your story with Jon? Email him at jon@jonloomer.com.