Dec. 4, 2013

PUBCAST: How I turned $230 into $1000+ using a FB Offer, FB Link Algorithm Changes, & why I did a 180 with Auto-Play Video

PUBCAST: How I turned $230 into $1000+ using a FB Offer, FB Link Algorithm Changes, & why I did a 180 with Auto-Play Video

Pull up a barstool! Here are this week’s show notes:   ·      Speaking at the Inside Social Marketing conference in NY 12/4/13 o   Social Media Metrics: What Does it all Mean? §  Measuring ROI ...

Pull up a barstool! Here are this week’s show notes:


·      Speaking at the Inside Social Marketing conference in NY 12/4/13

o   Social Media Metrics: What Does it all Mean?

§  Measuring ROI

§  Importance of conversion tracking

§  Right column success

·      Facebook’s Link Algorithm Change

o   Traffic to media sites up 170%

o   Update to story bumping

·      My Facebook Offer

o   My findings in fans vs. non fans sales

o   Budgeting strategy for the campaign

o   Utilizing custom audiences

·      Auto-Play Video on Facebook

o   Why I did a 180 on my thoughts about it

o   How Harry Potter ties in to auto play video

·      Targeting email recipients with FBX

o   Using Perfect Audience vs Custom Audeinces

o   How you can use a hidden pixel in your emails to gather info and use for retargeting

o   How you can get a free $70 FBX coupon (link below)

·      Links: