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Understanding How Meta's Algorithm Really Works
Understanding How Meta's Algorithm Really Works
This one fundamental fact changes everything about Meta advertising - the algorithm is completely literal. It does exactly what you tell it…
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Feb. 26, 2025

Understanding How Meta's Algorithm Really Works

Understanding How Meta's Algorithm Really Works

This one fundamental fact changes everything about Meta advertising - the algorithm is completely literal. It does exactly what you tell it to do, not what you actually want it to do.

This one fundamental fact changes everything about Meta advertising - the algorithm is completely literal. It does exactly what you tell it to do, not what you actually want it to do.


Your entire approach to Meta advertising, including your strategies, when you customize, when you let the algorithm take over, when you trust results, and when you are skeptical, changes when you understand this fundamental fact.

What is that fact?

The ads algorithm will do exactly what it says it will do.

That does not mean you will always get great results, but it is literal. If you are working in a cloud of uncertainty about what to do and constantly searching for the opinions of others, this will change your outlook.

Example: Traffic Campaigns

A common strategy is running traffic campaigns with a performance goal to maximize link clicks.

When you do that, the algorithm’s goal is to get you as many link clicks as possible within your budget.

The algorithm does not care who these people are.

  • It does not matter whether they are current customers or potential buyers.
  • It does not matter whether they are men or women, old or young.
  • It does not matter if those clicks lead to other actions or if users immediately return to Facebook.

The algorithm is literal. It will only find you clicks.

This is why optimizing for link clicks can create problems.

  • You might spend on men even though your target customer is women because men were clicking.
  • You might spend most of your budget on people over 65 even though your target audience is 35 to 44. I have seen this happen.
  • A high percentage of your budget might go to Audience Network, where accidental clicks, bots, and low-quality placements drive cheap clicks.

And that is exactly what you asked for.

Once you understand that the algorithm is literal, you recognize why this happens and can make adjustments.

  • You might switch to original audiences to control age and gender and eliminate cheap clicks from irrelevant users.
  • You might remove Audience Network to avoid placements where cheap, low-quality clicks happen.
  • You might use remarketing to narrow your audience and add guardrails so the algorithm does not chase low-quality clicks.

Understanding When Customization is Needed

There is often confusion about when adjustments are necessary. Some people say, “I always remove Audience Network.” That is not always the right approach.

When you understand that the algorithm is literal, you recognize why certain customizations are not always necessary.

Example: Purchase Conversions

If you set a performance goal to maximize conversions where the event is a purchase, the algorithm’s goal is to get you as many purchases as possible within your budget.

Here, you and the algorithm are aligned.

  • It will prioritize remarketing and find new customers who are likely to buy.
  • It will not be influenced by cheap clicks because its focus is purchases.
  • If men click and do not buy but women click and buy, the algorithm will learn from that and adjust.
  • It will learn which age groups convert and which just click and leave.

When You Do Not Need to Customize

When optimizing for purchases, you usually do not need to make customizations.

  • You can target broadly or use Advantage+ Audience.
  • You can include all ages and genders.
  • You can use Advantage+ placements and leave Audience Network on.

The Key Takeaway

Here is what I want you to do today. Embrace this simple fact.

The algorithm is literal.

This fundamental concept will completely change how you approach Meta advertising.

The examples go far beyond targeting. They affect your approach to:

  • Ad sets
  • Attribution settings
  • Ad creative
  • How you interpret results

When you understand this, you will develop a consistent and simplified approach rather than chasing new theories based on the latest strategy you heard online.

Instead, you can focus on the things that matter most and make the biggest impact.