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Advantage+ Audience is Meta's New AI-Powered Targeting Tool

Do you have Advantage+ Audience?

If you have it, you’ll see Audience Controls and Advantage+ Audience in your ad set.

You won’t see this for:

- Special Ad Categories
- Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns
- Advantage+ App Campaigns

If you don’t make any adjustments, Meta will find your audience based on pixel and conversion history and ad engagement. Otherwise, you have the option to provide an audience suggestion.

This suggestion includes:

- Custom and lookalike audiences
- Age range
- Gender
- Detailed Targeting

This is just a suggestion, of course. Meta can and will go well beyond that.

You can also use Audience Controls to provide tight constraints in case you need them. This is for:

- Location
- Minimum age
- Excluded custom audiences
- Languages

This is Meta’s new AI-powered audience option. It’s super interesting, and there’s lots to talk about. We’ll cover this topic in more detail in separate videos.

You can check out my full tutorial here:
