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Create a Custom Event that Fires When Someone Starts an Embedded YouTube Video on Your Website

This might be my favorite custom event.

When someone plays an embedded YouTube video on my website, an event fires.

That event captures:

• URL it was on,
• Title of the video,
• Percentage of the video that was watched
• Total time watched in seconds

I add a column to my Ads Manager to see how often people are watching these videos from my ads.

You can even set this event as a performance goal and optimize for it. That might make sense if the video is the focus of a page. You could create a custom conversion using this event based on a specific video watched.

If you wanted to do some crazy detailed retargeting, you could also create a custom audience based on that video.

To set up these events, I’m using Google Tag Manager to manage my pixel. Since YouTube is a Google product, GTM has built-in triggers that make these events possible.

You can learn more about some of the custom events I'm using here:


Are you using custom events?