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How Brands Can Prepare for AI-Generated Search

What should brands and website owners do differently in preparation for AI-generated search engines?

Yes, it's possible that the future of search may result in less referral traffic. But we don't know whether that's definitely the case, or to what level.

But you still need to be prepared. You can't ignore this. If you do, you'll be left behind.

If you've relied heavily on search referrals in the past, that may be changing. What should you do?

Follow your metrics closely. Know if there's a trend that's worth worrying about.

Stay on top of everything AI and Search right now. That includes using the tools as they are made available.

Have a backup plan. If you lose that referral traffic (referral traffic is money!), how will you replace it!

One obvious response is investing more in going to where your customers and potential customers are -- on social media.

I'm no expert on this, but I can't help but think that is a likely outcome. Social media becomes more important -- both organic and paid.

What are you doing, if anything, to prepare?