I'm often asked this question by advertisers in relation to creative ad fatigue. Your ad won't typically be as effective on day 200 as it is on day two.
Why? After a while, it will begin to show to the same people over and over and your engagement rate is likely to suffer.
So, how do you avoid ad fatigue? Should you update ad creative every week? Every month? Every two months?
It's really not that complicated.
First, there are three primary factors that influence ad fatigue:
1. Budget
2. Audience size
3. Number of ad options you use
There isn't a set number of days that you should update your ad creative because these three factors are always going to vary.
Instead, keep it simple. Monitor your results in 7-day chunks. You're going to see ups and downs in performance. But if you see a steady drop in performance, it may be time to switch things up.