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How to Set an Account Spending Limit

Here’s how to set an Account Spending Limit...

This process is found in Payment Activity within the Billing section. There, you'll click the "Payment Settings" button. Then scroll down to the Account Spending Limit section. Click the three dots on the right and select "Set Limit." There you can enter your Account Spending Limit.

This limit applies to all ads that are running under the ad account. It begins counting towards your limit from the moment you set it. No previous spend will apply.

Once you reach your Account Spending Limit, all ads within your ad account will pause. You can track your progress toward this Spending Limit within Payment Activity. If you need to, you can increase the limit, reset it, or remove it.

The primary reason you may want to use this is for a client. This can give you more control over the total amount that you’re spending.

For more on Account Spending Limits, Campaign Spending Limits, and Daily Spending Limits, read my blog post here: