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How to Stay on Top of Meta Ads

Here are four steps to accelerate your growth with Meta ads...

First, go to I update my blog at least a couple of times per week. I write thorough tutorials and about various strategies and experiments I’ve run.

Second, use my chatbot! Click the JonBot icon at the bottom right of my website. It’s been trained on my content, so it’s an extension of me. You may be surprised by how good its answers are.

Third, subscribe to my newsletter ( This is your direct line to me and I’ll keep you updated on each new development.

Fourth, watch my videos! I publish a new video here every day, most to help you with your Meta advertising.

And some extra credit, join my community! Go to to learn about my most exclusive community for advanced advertisers. Increase your confidence in Meta advertising for your business and your clients.

No matter where, I want to help. Message me with any questions.