Here's how I used ChatGPT to help complete an outline for training topics.
I'm working on the early stages of a training program about short-form video creation. But I felt like the ideas I had were incomplete. So, I asked ChatGPT.
I wanted to give ChatGPT background on what I was doing, but I also needed to train it based on what I've done so far.
Here was my initial prompt:
"Please generate a list of 20 topic ideas for short-form video creation. Here is my initial list of topics. What else can you add?"
I then pasted in my list of topics.
ChatGPT gave me a really interesting list of 20 suggestions. I took four or five of them. But I wanted to be sure I wasn't leaving anything else out there.
I prompted it again:
"These are great. Can you provide 20 more unique ideas?"
What was kind of cool was the next 20 were a different angle. The suggestions were now focused on types of video formats to cover.
This was super helpful. It's not about having ChatGPT do all of the work for you. It's about generating ideas and making your own work more complete.