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Meta Ads Benchmark Report Based on Industry

How do you find performance benchmarks? Check it out, Meta has a report for that...

Go to your Ad Reports and then Personalized Insights. There you should see highlights of a benchmark report. This compares the results of one of your ad sets to your peers.

Click "See Report."

The ad set in this video is getting $2 per Lead. Similar ad sets are getting $4.86 per lead from 239 “peer ad sets” or similar businesses.

Your peers are found based on:

- Campaign goals
- Regions
- Industries
- Business Sizes
- Bid Strategies
- Pixel events

This helps compare your results with important context. Without that context, the comparison means nothing.

This report even charts performance for both your ad set and your peers over time.

If you think you’re categorized incorrectly, you can also edit the category. Just know that the options are limited. I was set with a category that didn't feel right, but there might have been only one other alternative that would have made sense.

If you haven’t started using the Benchmark Reports, it’s time to check it out. Read more about this here: