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Short-Form Video Creation Tip

Getting started with short-form video is hard. I know.

You have to have the right frame of mind heading in. You have to understand that it's a process.

Otherwise, fear of imperfection or of creating bad videos will hold you back.

Have the intention of creating good videos, but know that you will create bad ones. Be okay with that. Give yourself some grace.

The process of creating these videos gives you limitless opportunities to learn. You will learn what works and what doesn't. You'll learn what resonates with people.

You'll also learn how best to record and edit these videos. Because that's one of the biggest hurdles in the early going.

When I started, I was creating three videos per day. Each video took me two hours. This was not sustainable. It was frustrating.

I had to push through.

The content marketing graveyard is littered with creators who started and then gave up. The beginning is the toughest part.

It will get better.