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The Best Way to Set Up the Conversions API

What is the best, cheapest, or easiest way to set up the Conversions API?

Like so many things, the answer isn't all that simple. It depends.

Instead of asking how you should set up the API, you should first ask how you're currently managing your pixel. Many of these tools offer a built-in way to turn on the API easily.

Examples are WooCommerce, Shopify, and PixelYourSite Pro. But, that doesn't necessarily mean that you should use those tools if you aren't already.

If you're currently using Google Tag Manager, there's a solution that's made for GTM. You can also use the API Gateway.

But you can't run your pixel through Google Tag Manager and the API through Shopify or one of those other tools. Those tools need you to manage both the pixel and API together.

So to answer your question, ask these three questions:

1. Where am I currently managing my pixel?
2. Is there a built-in solution for setting up the API with this tool?
3. Do I want to keep using this tool to manage the pixel?

That will help lead you to your answer.