Let me explain Advantage and Advantage+. Meta makes it super confusing...
Starting in March of 2022, they started labeling features Advantage and Advantage+. In some cases, these were new products. In others, they were just rebranding pre-existing features.
If you struggle to keep track of it all, I understand. Let me explain…
Advantage features are focused on targeting expansion and budget optimization. That includes:
- Advantage Detailed Targeting
- Advantage Lookalike
- Advantage Custom Audience
- Advantage Campaign Budget
Advantage+ products prioritize automating campaign creation and creative optimization. This includes:
- Advantage+ Shopping
- Advantage+ App Campaigns
- Advantage+ Placements
- Advantage+ Creative
- Advantage+ Catalog Ads
- Advantage+ Creative for Catalog Ads
- Advantage+ International Catalog Ads
So much of it sounds similar, you’d be forgiven if you’re confused. But the main thing is that anything Advantage is targeting expansion or budget optimization. Anything Advantage+ is campaign creation or creative optimization.
Make sense?