Welcome to The Pubcast with Jon Loomer!

What I Think About Meta Verified

Here's what I think about Meta Verified. It's a mixture of good and bad...

The good:

1. Diversifying is good so that Meta doesn't rely entirely on advertising.

2. Better support is good, and such a package is something many of us have been pushing for years.

3. More verification is good, assuring more authenticity.

The bad:

1. What does this do for previously verified? Yeah, I'm not thrilled about this.

2. Confusion about how previously verified accounts were those with greater notoriety, and now it won't matter.

3. Feels inherently wrong when Meta can offer terrible support for years, but now say: "Trust us, we'll do it now if you pay us."

I don't think I'd be able to verify now if I wanted to. But even if I could, I'd hold out as long as possible out of spite.