Welcome to The Pubcast with Jon Loomer!


Feb. 24, 2015

Facebook Dynamic Product Ads: Everything You Need to Know

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-dynamic-product-ads/

Episode page
Feb. 19, 2015

PUBCAST: Multi-Product Facebook Ads with Andrew Foxwell

In this episode of the Pubcast, Jon invites fellow Facebook ads geek Andrew Foxwell to chat about multi-product Facebook ads, creative optimization, Business Manager, relevance scores and Facebook ad structure strategy. There's also a secret little...

Episode page
Feb. 16, 2015

How to Create Multi-Product Facebook Ads in Power Editor

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/multi-product-facebook-ads/

Episode page
Feb. 13, 2015

PUBCAST: Lists, Negative Reviews and Pricing

In this week's episode, I covered the following topics... Lists: The good and the bad Bad reviews and what to do about them Course focused to membership focused The battle with pricing Latest on the Experiment

Episode page
Feb. 10, 2015

The 4-Step Approach to Effective Facebook Ad Targeting

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ad-targeting/

Episode page
Feb. 6, 2015

PUBCAST: Building a Business: Pain, Claim and Gain

In this episode of the Social Media Pubcast, Jon invites his friend, family and back-up CEO John Robinson to the virtual Pub. John has been an integral part to the growth of Jon's business, and there are some gold nuggets …

Episode page
Feb. 3, 2015

No, Facebook Organic Page Reach Is Not Dead

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-organic-page-reach-is-not-dead/

Episode page
Jan. 29, 2015

PUBCAST: Website Redesigns, Business Planning and Power Editor Updates

Pull up a barstool! In this week's Pubcast, Jon cracks open a Guinness and covers the following topics... The Redesign Why? History What? Parallax Pro New logo tweak New featured images Mashshare Commenting Support TOO MUCH FACE? More...

Episode page
Jan. 26, 2015

How to Promote a Podcast with Facebook Ads

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ads-promote-podcast/

Episode page
Jan. 21, 2015

PUBCAST: Video, Packers and Lookalikes with Andrew Foxwell

On this week's Pubcast, Jon invited nerd and fellow Facebook ads nerd and Wisconsin boy Andrew Foxwell to the virtual pub. They talked about the following topics: The Green Bay Packers debacle, and parallels to business The future of video …

Episode page
Jan. 20, 2015

Facebook Ads Results: Click-Through Rate and Cost Per Action Over Time

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ads-63-percent-ctr/

Episode page
Jan. 16, 2015

PUBCAST: 6 Steps to Entrepreneurial Success

Here's an overview of this episode... My Journey I don’t have any regrets I could have done things differently, but I didn’t — part of the journey Looking back, I wish I was more willing to invest early Looking back, …

Episode page
Jan. 13, 2015

Should You Use Interest Targeting of Your Organic Facebook Posts?

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/interest-targeting-organic-facebook-posts/

Episode page
Jan. 12, 2015

Facebook Advertising and Spam, Deception, Value and Trust

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ads-spam-deception/

Episode page
Jan. 9, 2015

PUBCAST: Return of the Mack: Review, Resolutions and Tools

Dan Jost, who edits my Pubcasts, insisted on the "Return of the Mack" title -- a 90s R&B reference. I figured... why not?? Here's what was covered... Review of 2014: AMAZING! Insane growth. Email list from 10k to 50k. Consistent …

Episode page
Jan. 6, 2015

An Experiment: Facebook Ads Don’t Have to Suck

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ads-exclusive-content/

Episode page
Dec. 11, 2014

How Brands Can Maximize Facebook Organic Post Targeting by Interest

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-organic-post-targeting-interest/

Episode page
Dec. 8, 2014

The Ideal Naming Convention for Facebook Advertising Campaigns

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-campaign-naming-convention/

Episode page
Dec. 8, 2014

Checklist: 19 Custom Ad Report Tasks for Advanced Facebook Advertisers

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ad-reports-checklist/

Episode page
Dec. 5, 2014

Facebook Remarketing: 8 Effective Website Custom Audience Strategies

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-website-custom-audience-strategies/

Episode page
Dec. 2, 2014

Facebook Ads Reporting: Not All Website Clicks Are Created Equal

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ads-reporting-clicks-quality/

Episode page
Dec. 1, 2014

Happy Holidays: The Season of Failing with Facebook Ads

This is the audio version for the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-ads-holidays/

Episode page
Nov. 25, 2014

The Value of a Facebook Post [Experiment]

This is the audio version of the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/facebook-post-value/

Episode page
Nov. 19, 2014

It May Be Time for You to Quit Marketing on Facebook

This is the audio version of the blog post found at https://www.jonloomer.com/quit-facebook-marketing/

Episode page