Welcome to The Pubcast with Jon Loomer!

Season 11

Feb. 23, 2023

What I Think About Meta Verified

Now that the Meta Verified subscription package test is rolling out, what do I think about it? Yeah, I have some thoughts...

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Feb. 21, 2023

What We Know About Meta Verified

The test for the Meta Verified subscription package has begun in Australia and New Zealand. Here's what we know...

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Feb. 16, 2023

How You Can Prepare for the Future of Search

If you're a brand and business owner who relies heavily on organic search referrals, the future of search may be scary to you. What can you do to prepare?

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Feb. 15, 2023

Google Bard, Bing, and the Future of Search

Luke and I meet at the Pub to discuss the latest news related to search and AI. In this episode of The Pubcast, we talk about the following... 2:30 Bard and Bing Search announcements and what they mean 13:00 The …

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Feb. 14, 2023

The Impact of Future Search Engines on Content Creation

How would AI-driven search engines (Answer engines) impact website content strategy? This is a question I've been asking myself as I consider the potential impact these search engines may have on organic referral traffic.

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Feb. 9, 2023

How Does AI-Driven Search Impact Referral Traffic?

If you rely heavily on organic search referrals, you need to start asking this question. Your world may change very soon.

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Feb. 7, 2023

Why Does Facebook Suck at Detecting These Scams?

On one hand, we're in the midst of an AI renaissance. Facebook has the reputation of being on the cutting edge of automation, machine learning, and optimization. And yet, they still can't detect and deal with the most basic scams. …

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