Custom events can break custom metrics if there's a space in the name of the custom event. This only impacts the formula when using custom events, and it's not an issue for custom conversions. There are a couple of solutions...
The default 7-day click and 1-day view attribution is not relevant to this type of conversion. Compare attribution to view 1-day click results. When creating the ad set, edit your attribution setting to be 1-day click only. This will impact both your default reporting and optimization.
Your most important skill as an advertiser is a passion to experiment. You live in a constant state of curiosity, wondering whether something would work. And you test it!
A 300 custom audience limit to view audience sizes? How long has this been a thing?
When using Advantage+ Audience, there's no option for Gender within audience controls. This may be fine for sales campaigns, but it creates a problem when optimizing for top-of-the-funnel actions. Read more at
There are updates to Advantage Detailed Targeting, but does it matter? It seems like this feature is getting buried now that Meta prioritizes the use of Advantage+ Audience.
This is how videos have transformed my website. When I first started recording short-form videos, they only lived on my website. But then I created a custom post type for my website, and everything changed. Go to to see how it works.
Read the blog post that goes with this video at Broad targeting can be effective, especially for Purchase campaigns. But it is bound to fail for any type of top-of-the-funnel optimization. You'll probably get what appear to be good results, but they'll be low quality. The reason for that…
Too many advertisers continue to use one ad account to manage all of their clients. This isn't just a bad idea, it's against Meta's rules. And it sounds like they're starting to enforce that rule more seriously now.
Yes, it's easier to create campaigns now than ever before. But it's not easy to get good advertising results. It's time to put this narrative to bed. It's starting to impact jobs.
Facebook page reviews have become completely worthless due to spam. Reviews are a source of spam attacks because you can't remove reviews. If you want to turn off reviews for your page, here's what you do...
Everyone hates the Image Template optimization from Advantage+ Creative. You might actually be able to make it look better. Here's how...
Define your Business Category in Ad Account Settings to ensure access to the right features, guidance, and support.
Today I recorded my 500th weekly webinar for my Power Hitters Club community. It's crazy! If you'd like to join my webinars, I'd love to have you. Go to to learn more.
A new feature called Customer Acquisition allows you to show your ads to new customers only when running manual Sales campaigns. This may sound familiar because it's similar to the budget cap for existing customers when running Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns.
Appreciate nuance in advertising. Be wary of people who say that there's only one way to do things. No exception. Understand that most things are messy and there are exceptions to every rule.
Read the full blog post related to this topic here: Advantage+ Creative is a hot topic among Meta advertisers for lots of reasons. 1. Meta provides no transparency regarding how it performs (though it's supposed to only be used to help you). 2. A couple of the enhancements are…
If you believe that your value as an advertiser falls entirely on your targeting strategy, you might be in trouble. There should be so many other decisions that provide value that have nothing to do with targeting.
Should you duplicate ad sets when scaling? This is a popular strategy since it protects the existing ad set so that you don't restart learning, but this approach may be outdated.
Will Meta eliminate all interest targeting? Meta hasn't said they're doing this, but the writing is on the wall. What do you think?
This is a tip to start and maintain short-form video creation. The key is to limit the things that can become excuses -- the hard things, we don't want to do or intimidate us. Don't overcomplicate it. Keep it as simple as possible at first. You'll refine and get better…
Meta's eliminating interests effective January 15th because they are redundant, too granular, apply to sensitive topics, or due to legal or regulatory requirements. If this sounds familiar, Meta did the exact same thing two years ago. Read my blog post for details at
Have you enabled first-party cookies with your pixel? Chrome will eliminate all third-party cookies by the end of 2024, but first-party cookies won't be impacted. This is one step that you can take. For more on this update, check out my blog post at