Should Meta offer a secondary performance goal? The biggest issue with ads optimization is that, unless you optimize for purchases, Meta doesn’t care about quality. Link clicks, landing page views, ThruPlay, even add-to-carts and initiate checkouts. Meta only cares about getting you as many of that thing as possible at…
Is this a bug? One strategy for leveraging high-performing ads is to publish them organically to your news feed. When they’re published, they’ll already have that social proof. But I’m noticing a problem... I created a link ad with a static image. When I went to Page Posts to publish…
Don’t optimize for clicks! A popular strategy is to run Traffic campaigns that optimize for link clicks or landing page views. In most cases, you’re throwing money away. The link click will be the algorithm’s entire focus. Meta is trying to get you the most link clicks at the lowest…
This is your regular reminder that recording these videos can be hard for me, too. You see the final, edited version. But there are often moments like this one when I just can't find a way to say the simplest words. Ignore the polish. We're all struggling. But we get…
When should you use Advantage+ Placements? Advertisers love to manually select placements instead of using Advantage+ Placements. If you’re optimizing for a conversion when you do this, you’re likely increasing your costs. Let me explain... You’ve chosen a conversion as your performance goal, so that’s Meta’s entire focus. Meta will…
Here’s a quick tip to improve video quality... You keep your phone in your pocket most of the day. For the rest of the day, it’s in your hand. That means your phone is dirty. Most importantly, your camera lens is covered in oils, grease, and who knows what else.…
Meta wants you to test catalog ads. When you create an ad using manual upload, you may see a prompt under the Call to Action: “A/B test catalog versus manual upload. Run a 4-day test with your existing budget to see how using your catalog can impact performance.” Check that…
You can schedule individual ads now. When creating an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign, you can choose to select a different schedule at the ad level. For the past several years, all schedules were created in the ad set. So now, you can set different start and end dates for each ad.…
How would this impact advertising? Meta is rumored to be considering an ad-free paid subscription option in the EU. Advertisers need to ask how this might impact them. First, imagine the paid ad-free option is successful in the EU. That could dramatically impact advertising in these countries. The people most…
What might this look like? The New York Times reported that Meta is considering an ad-free paid subscription option in the European Union. We have no details regarding how seriously this is being considered or even what a subscription might look like, but we can speculate. According to Meta’s 2Q…
I don’t have time! It’s the typical excuse for not publishing videos... Get outta here with that nonsense. I’ve published at least one video every day this year. Each video takes an hour, start to finish (scripting, recording, editing, scheduling, everything). I also write two blog posts every week. I…
Rapid fire of Meta ads tips LET’S GO! There is no guaranteed hack that will always work. Run from people who make those guarantees. When in doubt, keep it simple. Optimize for the action you want... most of the time. Be careful with top-of-the-funnel optimization. Meta doesn’t care about quality.…
An ad-free Facebook and Instagram? According to the New York Times, Meta is thinking about it. Meta is considering paid versions of Facebook and Instagram for users in the European Union that would be ad-free. Both apps would continue to offer free versions in those countries with ads. The European…
I can’t wait to test this... If you don’t provide targeting suggestions with Advantage+ Audience, your audience will be built using AI based on pixel activity, conversion history, and ad engagement. I want to split test two ad sets: 1. One that uses Advantage+ Audience without targeting suggestions 2. One…
How is this any different? Advantage+ Audience and the other audience expansion tools seem very similar. In each case, it seems to start with a prioritized audience and then go broader. How is Advantage+ Audience different or better? First, the roles of age and gender. When you use Advantage audience…
Do you have Advantage+ Audience? If you have it, you’ll see Audience Controls and Advantage+ Audience in your ad set. You won’t see this for: - Special Ad Categories - Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns - Advantage+ App Campaigns If you don’t make any adjustments, Meta will find your audience based on…
There will always be an excuse... Whether you’re getting started with videos or taking some other important action, there will always be limitless reasons why YOU CAN'T. At first, your microphone isn’t good enough. Then you get a microphone, and there are too many noisy distractions. The air conditioning or…
Twelve years ago today, I launched I wasn’t planning to write about Facebook ads. I wasn’t expecting to start a business. What I did know was I didn’t have a job and I needed to do something. That website started as my online resume. I hoped it would help…
The divide is growing... It’s crazy how there’s such little middle ground with targeting now. The old-school advertisers refuse to abandon interest and lookalike targeting. They’ve determined going broad with targeting doesn’t work. The other group is on the complete opposite side. They're only using broad targeting now. They think…
I don’t read from a script because that would be super unnatural and uncomfortable... But I do write out a video script. When I first started, I just hit record and started talking. I had a general idea of what I’d talk about, but it wasn’t scripted. That led to…
There’s a new option for Instagram ads... In Ads Manager, create a campaign with the Traffic objective. In the ad set under conversion location, there is now an option for Instagram Profile. When you select it, the performance goal is set to "Maximize number of Instagram profile visits." No other…
Threads on desktop is here... One of the biggest complaints since the launch of Threads, has been the lack of a web or desktop version. Well, that has now been corrected. It’s a bit bare-bones, but you can now log in from the web. You can then view your feed,…
How do you find performance benchmarks? Check it out, Meta has a report for that... Go to your Ad Reports and then Personalized Insights. There you should see highlights of a benchmark report. This compares the results of one of your ad sets to your peers. Click "See Report." The…
Here’s how to test your website events... In Events Manager, go to your data sources and select your pixel. Then go to the Test Events tab. Click the Select Channel dropdown menu and select Website. In this video, we confirm that our website’s events are set up correctly. Just know…