We. Don't. Like. Change. The future of AI is both exciting and scary. Some of the scary stuff is based on predictions, and we really don't know what's going to happen. Seriously, I don't know. It's not my expertise. But what absolutely is scary is the required change that is…
Accounts are replacing People in your Facebook Ads Manager. You might have started seeing the "Cost Per 1,000 Accounts Center Accounts Reached" metric. This isn't new. It merely replaces Cost Per 1,000 People Reached. You'll see this elsewhere, as well. The Reach metric is no focused on the number of…
Here's an example of how I used ChatGPT recently to help a one-on-one client. Prior to our session, I wanted to do a little preparation. I know he's been dealing with some challenges related to Shopify, the pixel, and the catalog lately, so I asked ChatGPT some questions. First, I…
This is how ChatGPT wrote a 60-second movie. First, I started with this prompt: "Please generate a video script for a 60 second scene. Two friends are talking. One is a marketer who has been writing and creating videos about how to use ChatGPT. The other is also a marketer…
ChatGPT wrote a movie about ChatGPT. I told it that it was a Hollywood blockbuster movie writer, and it wrote the script for a thriller. It also wrote the title. It wrote the “knowing look” at the end. And it wrote the voiceover. Unfortunately, ChatGPT can’t help me act. This…
I asked ChatGPT to write a 60-second movie. Here is the result. This was a process. I provided some background of what I wanted. I asked it to tell jokes. I asked it to tell better jokes. I asked it to base characters on characters from TV shows (that didn't…
If you have anxiety about ChatGPT and AI making your job obsolete, allow me to talk you off of this ledge. Is it scary? Yes. Absolutely. This technology is likely to be more impactful and disruptive than anything we've seen since the birth of the internet. That's scary. But think…
Many have a fundamental misunderstanding of this and ultimately of why it's valuable. Yesterday, I published a video showing how I created a prompt that gave ChatGPT information about my product and asked it to generate a Facebook ads strategy that consisted of optimization, targeting, copy, and more. ChatGPT did…
Be extra careful when setting up or editing remarketing campaigns. This can happen to you, too. If you select a website custom audience these days, Facebook will automatically turn on Advantage Custom Audience, which gives them the ability to expand your audience beyond the target group. You may not want…
I'm looking to be a guest on more podcasts in 2023. Let's talk about Facebook ads, short-form video, entrepreneurship, and more. Give me a shout!
When you create a Facebook ad, a box for Multi-Advertiser Ads is automatically checked. What is this? When checked, this allows Meta to show your ads in the Instagram news feed within a special unit when a person has shown commercial intent. Your ad will be shown in a carousel…
Did the Inspect Tool disappear from Facebook Ads Manager? Facebook also seems to have removed Help Center articles on the topic. #facebookads
I'm often asked this question by advertisers in relation to creative ad fatigue. Your ad won't typically be as effective on day 200 as it is on day two. Why? After a while, it will begin to show to the same people over and over and your engagement rate is…
What video editing software should you use? First, I think the question may be misguided. The software you use is far down the list of important factors that impact the success of your videos. You need good content. But there are also limitless ways to edit your video. There are…
Here’s how to find out where your Facebook conversion events occur by URL. This is especially useful for a couple of scenarios. 1. You are suddenly getting a ton of conversions, and you don't know why. It could be due to spam bots. This can help you isolate where those…
Where are you struggling with video creation? What's keeping you from getting started? What can I do to help you in 2023?
This is a sound test comparing the Blue Yeti Pro vs. the Shure MV7. I've used Blue Yetis for the past 10 years. It was my first podcasting microphone. I've used the Blue Yeti Pro since 2017. But it felt like it was time to move on. This comparison is…
Do you know how to view the Purchase Conversion Value of your Facebook ads? This is really important info, but you often have to search to find it. You can also add a column for ROAS. This is especially helpful for understanding the success of your ads. It's one thing…
This is a really cool use of ChatGPT to generate Facebook pixel code. You just need to know some basic information: - Product Name - Value - Currency Go to ChatGPT and type in this prompt: "Generate Facebook pixel event code for a purchase based on the following information:" Then…
This was a pleasant surprise (I swear I didn't search out this scenario). Ten of the 11 links that were cited that contributed to this answer came from my blog posts. NOTE: I use the Chrome plugin so that ChatGPT can get access to the internet. That's why the sourcing…
Agency owners, what do you need in 2023? How can I help? #advertising #agencies
You should establish revenue and KPI goals, too. But in order to reach those goals, you need to show up every day. To make sure that happens, you should establish content marketing production goals.